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Q & A

What is the history of Piedmont’s School Parcel Tax?


  • For over 40 years Piedmont schools have depended on a local school parcel tax to preserve and maintain essential educational programs and services, and as a critical long-term safeguard against the uncertainties of State funding. Since 1985 when the first parcel tax was passed, Piedmont residents have approved this crucial source of funding nine consecutive times.

Why is Measure P needed?


  • State funding is not keeping pace with the true cost of a quality public education. Five years ago, Piedmont voters approved Measure H to provide local funding for our schools. Since that time, a growing teacher shortage throughout the State, combined with economic uncertainties and the high cost of living in the Bay Area have made retaining and recruiting quality teachers for Piedmont even more difficult.

What will Measure P do?

  • Measure P will REPLACE Measure H. Measure P funds will be used to help Piedmont attract and retain exceptional teachers and educational staff. Money raised by Measure P will also go toward:

  • Providing advanced educational programs that help students get into college.

  • Providing advanced programs in science, technology, engineering, art, and math.

  • Providing academic intervention for children who need additional support.

How much will Measure P cost?

  • Measure P will cost property owners 50 cents per square foot of building improvements per year. Like before, no annual increase is included. Measure P will generate $5 million annually for the Piedmont schools.

​​Will there be a citizens’ advisory group that reviews how the funds are spent?


  • Yes, a subcommittee of the Budget Advisory Committee will prepare an annual written report and submit its findings to the Board of Education. All residents of the community are eligible to apply for membership on the Budget Advisory Committee.

Measure P Ballot Question:

  • “To attract and retain highly qualified teachers and educational support staff and continue funding advanced academic programs, shall Piedmont Unified School District’s measure renewing the school parcel tax for 8 years be adopted at the rate of 50 cents per square foot of building improvements, providing 5 million dollars in annual school funding, with independent citizen oversight and all money locally controlled.”


Measure P Argument in Favor:


  • "Piedmont schools are among the best in California; however, inadequate state funding coupled with the high cost of living in the Bay Area make recruiting and retaining quality teachers and educational staff increasingly difficult, alongside the challenges of offering high quality programs."

​​While many Piedmont residents no longer have children in the schools, the quality of our schools help maintain property values and attract young families to our community. ​

California provides far less money per student than most other states, and Piedmont schools get less than other California districts. Our schools have remained exceptional because for over 35 years the Piedmont community has supported local parcel taxes that provide over 25% of our schools’ budget. It is our most important source of locally controlled funding. ​

Passing Measure P is crucial for attracting and retaining high-quality educators and offering advanced programs. The exceptional quality of Piedmont schools consistently boosts local property values. Whether or not you have children in the schools, supporting the Measure is an investment in our community. 

Please vote yes.

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